Android Studio Hedgehog Essentials – Kotlin Edition Errata

To err is human; to provide an errata is divine

Android Studio Hedgehog Essentials – Kotlin Edition was published on December 5, 2023.

The current revision is 1.0. The revision of your book can be found on the copyright page at the start of the book.

28.3 Adding the Widgets to the User Interface

Incorrect text:

In the search bar at the top of the dialog, enter “galaxy” to locate the galaxys6.png resource

Correct text:

In the search bar at the top of the dialog, enter “galaxy” to locate the galaxyS23.png resource

28.6 Using the Layout Inspector 

Incorrect text:

Click the button marked E again to return to the 2D view

Correct text:

Click the button marked D again to return to the 2D view

71.2 Modifying the Build Configuration

If you encounter an error after changing the build configuration, make the following change to the build.gradle.kts (Project :RoomDemo) file:

id("") <em>version </em>"<strong>1.9.0-1.0.13</strong>" <em>apply </em>falseCode language: HTML, XML (xml)

If you have encountered an issue with the book not listed above, please contact us, and we will work to resolve the issue for you as quickly as possible.

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